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B2B Modular Furniture Solutions By DESIGNORX

Hotels and Resorts

“For Hospitality That Welcomes and Wows”

Our bespoke furniture designs create an ambiance that speaks volumes about luxury and comfort. We offer tailored solutions, from guest room furnishings to grand lobby reception desks, that promise durability and style.

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“Culinary Spaces That Stir the Senses”

At DESIGNORX, we understand that the dining experience begins with the setting. Our furniture solutions for restaurants balance aesthetic appeal with practicality, ensuring every meal is enjoyed in comfort and style.

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Educational Institutes

“Educational Furnishings That Inspire Learning”

From preschool to university, our modular furniture is built to stimulate engagement and withstand the daily demands of an academic environment. We provide ergonomic and flexible furniture options for classrooms, libraries, and labs

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Corporate Offices

“Workplaces Designed for Innovation and Efficiency”

Redefine your workspace with DESIGNORX’s modular office solutions that blend modern design with functionality. We craft workstations, conference tables, and office pods that encourage productivity and collaboration

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“Kitchens That Cater to Culinary Excellence”

Whether it’s a commercial kitchen in a restaurant or a pantry area in an office, DESIGNORX offers modular kitchen solutions that are as robust as they are refined, ensuring that they withstand the heat while keeping style on the front burner

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